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-Do I need to know French?     NO


-Do I need an extensive literature background?     NO


-Is there a prerequisite?     NO


-I'd rather not write a final paper.  Is there another option?  YES!  Create a video game. Submit artwork to accompany a story.  Write your own short story.  Submit a photography project.  There are many possibilities.


-It's still a lit class, right?  YES...but with a twist-you'll learn about movements and genres, but your interpretation depends on your individual background (in science, social sciences, etc.)   We will discuss sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming, hypnotism, the subconscious, sociopaths and much more.


-The title sounds creepy.  Is this class creepy?  YES & NO.  Each story involves a murder or a seemingly supernatural event.  However, compared to contemporary literature and media, the gore and creepiness are minimal.

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